Hi, after rebuilding almost everything has been running quite well, and for those things that not I have tried to fix it by myself. One of the things I have been wrestling is an oil leak I can not find its source. It comes from the top fin down... it seems it comes form the head gasket but I can not fin any logic in it (Its not the cam cover for sure). Please, take a look at the pictures and tell me if you have found something similar and by chance you can help me. (the broken fins are thanks to the previous owner).
I have already checked torque and placed a little Hondabond on studs washers. I don't think it could come form the perforations on the block since it seems to come form top fin down.
I've got one of those leaks as well. Not in the same area as you. Mine only presents itself via an oil spot on the garage floor. Try not cleaning it off and see if, over time , dust in the air will show its source via dust sticking to the oil track.
A couple of other possibilities. Keep in mind that the wind blows oil all over the place and then gravity plays its part as well.
The tach drive seal can do this. A leaky cam chain adjuster. Cam cover bolt seals.
I must add that the cylinder studs, washers, and nuts are a likely candidate. DAMHIK
Good luck.
Very Best,
When you are up to your ass in alligators it is sometimes difficult
to remember that your objective was to drain the swamp !!
Thanks to both. The only thing I am sure it is not coming from the cover or anything related to it. I guess studs and as Phils says the wind is making it difficult to trace. I will keep looking. thanks.
i agree with mouse, don't clean it and dust may show the origin, if not as phil says maybe the wind is blowing it from elsewhere like the cooler.
I've got a couple minor leaks as well but I'm not going to do anything to stop them until I need to open up the engine...my right crankcase cover has been dripping since '78 and resisted all attempts to fix it
use a dremel and grind/polish the chipped fins into a shape that blends in with the others...
CBX a work in progress, still improving...GS1150EFE completed and awaiting modifications.....RD350, remnants in boxes scattered throughout the garage
I've used spray powder deodorant before to locate oil leaks. Foot powder for athlete's foot is similar, sprays a coating of white powder. Oil leaves telltale tracks over it.
Nils Menten
Tucson, Arizona, USA
'82 CBX, among others.
NobleHops wrote:I've used spray powder deodorant before to locate oil leaks. Foot powder for athlete's foot is similar, sprays a coating of white powder. Oil leaves telltale tracks over it.
I had a leak just like that on my '79. I switched to all 10mm cylinder studs, the newer knurled style. Now I can torque them all to 24 ft lbs and the problem is gone. The cases are soft so I made a thread tap out of a 10mm stud and tapped the holes with the cylinder block and head on to be sure to get the holes straight.