I've decided since I had the front end all apart on my 79, to change over to the prolink forks.
Today I took the prolink forks apart, since I might as well rebuild them since it's all apart.
You know how that goes one thing leads to another.
So I have the legs apart, at the bottom of the inner fork leg there appears to be two sleeves or bushings, these would be between the upper and lower forks leg.
Looking on line at parts diagram there appears to be only one bushing per leg in the pictures.
Can someone explain this to me?
I don't have an 82 manual, just a 79, and the forks seem to have several differences, so it's not much use in this situation.
Thanks for any help.
Another fork question, 82
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Re: Another fork question, 82
John, i am not getting the 2 bushings description.
Can you tell us what parts you have two of?
John, i am not getting the 2 bushings description.
Can you tell us what parts you have two of?
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Re: Another fork question, 82
Yes, the micro-fiche drawings are confusing. They don't show how things actually come apart; or, have to be assembled.
If I understand/interpret your description correctly, the upper bushing that you have on the fork leg should slide up-and-down on the tube. The lower one should be retained in a groove on the tube. The upper piece is the bushing which actually belongs in the lower fork tube. It comes out with the upper fork tube when you pull it from the lower piece. When you rebuild/reassemble the tubes, place that 'loose' bushing onto the upper tube just as you found it when you separated things. Slide the upper tube into the lower tube; then, drop the thin washer (ring- backup) on and using a piece of 1-1/2 inch pvc (about 2 feet long), slide it over the upper tube and tap the loose bushing into its bore in the lower fork tube. Use the same pvc to push the new seal into place.
A hint for assembling the seal to correct depth: push the seal to where the top of it is just even with the bottom of the snap-ring groove. Place the washer (plate, backup) over it and put the snap ring into the bore above the washer. Then, tap it all down with the pvc until the snap ring pops into its groove. That way, the seal will not be in too deep; and, it will be solid flush with the washer/snap-ring.
Hopefully, this hasn't been too confusing. However, be free to ask more. We're all glad to help.
Yes, the micro-fiche drawings are confusing. They don't show how things actually come apart; or, have to be assembled.
If I understand/interpret your description correctly, the upper bushing that you have on the fork leg should slide up-and-down on the tube. The lower one should be retained in a groove on the tube. The upper piece is the bushing which actually belongs in the lower fork tube. It comes out with the upper fork tube when you pull it from the lower piece. When you rebuild/reassemble the tubes, place that 'loose' bushing onto the upper tube just as you found it when you separated things. Slide the upper tube into the lower tube; then, drop the thin washer (ring- backup) on and using a piece of 1-1/2 inch pvc (about 2 feet long), slide it over the upper tube and tap the loose bushing into its bore in the lower fork tube. Use the same pvc to push the new seal into place.
A hint for assembling the seal to correct depth: push the seal to where the top of it is just even with the bottom of the snap-ring groove. Place the washer (plate, backup) over it and put the snap ring into the bore above the washer. Then, tap it all down with the pvc until the snap ring pops into its groove. That way, the seal will not be in too deep; and, it will be solid flush with the washer/snap-ring.
Hopefully, this hasn't been too confusing. However, be free to ask more. We're all glad to help.
Larry Zimmer
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Re: Another fork question, 82
Thanks guys
Larry that was an excellent description, and will be a lot of help.
Just waiting for the new parts now.
Larry that was an excellent description, and will be a lot of help.
Just waiting for the new parts now.
- Jeff Bennetts
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Re: Another fork question, 82
johnod wrote:Thanks guys
Larry that was an excellent description, and will be a lot of help.
Just waiting for the new parts now.