Carb ? what else...

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426 Hemi
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Carb ? what else...

Post by 426 Hemi »

My carbs seem to be working ok on full power with a bog till about 4k ..I just got the bike and know little about what done to the carbs ..The guy i got it from rebuilt the carbs and syc them.. but he can't remember what jets it has in it or if it has a jet kit ..I have only a little seat time on the bike because of the Hurricanes here in fl ..Tonight i took a short ride to fuel up before Ivan hits us and what i felt was a light bog till 4k and what bugs me more is at cruise speeds (not on the throttle or off just holding a speed of 30 to 40 mph the carbs or one carb is spitting..It's the same sound that you get starting your CBX cold and didn't have enough choke on. It feels like you just dropped one cly for one second.. Im i looking at a ign problem or carb problem or both ...It has stock ign , K&N drop in filter and 6 into 2 pipes ..Thanks Lee..
If it doesn't have a big motor i'll walk..

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Jeff Bennetts
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Post by Jeff Bennetts »

Most likely carbs, sounds like a plugged passage. One thing to know about a CBX ignition is that the coils work in a circle, if one plug isn't firing it will kill both plugs on that coil also if you have a bad coil both plugs on that coil will be dead.

One other thing to check is that all the slides in the carbs are moving smoothly without any friction, this can cause a carb to spit like you describe.


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