EMS wrote:NilsMenten wrote: Are you thinking of drive clutch plates? In the alternator (as pictured) one side is flat, the other has 4 grooves. Not what you described above.
The way I understood it, Don was talking about this: On worn plates, the grooves match up, i.e.: a "valley" lines up with a raised part and the surfaces make contact. (left)
When you grind off the tips of the raised parts, the flat portions do no longer reach to the bottoms of the "valleys" and you lose contact surface (right)
Did I get this right Don?
You pictured it well - If your wear resembled something like a sawtooth pattern in each plate and you ground away only the high spots, you could wind up with nearly nothing touching . . . . and nearly no friction, which would certainly cause it to wear very rapidly, probably into a worse mess than you had before you messed with it
I agree no lube is necessary upon reassembly - With no lube, it won't slip and as soon as the oil pressure comes up, it's force oiled anyway