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What is your rally preference? Choose 1 each from letter and number section

A) long weekend event
B) mid week, leaving weekends for travel
1)Organized rides
2)Organized dinners
3)Bike show
4)Tech presentation
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Post by Louis »

A rally takes 100s and 100s of hours to put a good one together. I think if it is not put together correct you will not have the response that we all would like to see. It is great to have a rally and see all new faces and as well as old friends . I was wondering and i am not saying i am doing this, but what would everyone think about a 40th cbx rally in Florida in the early spring where we can get overseas guys to fly into Orlando. This would mean most northern guys will have to trailer there bikes south. We do have great riding areas couple hours north of Orlando in the hills of Florida ( yes sounds funny). I think and hope it would at least 200 people showing up like we did for the 30th cbx rally.
Maybe if i get a positive amount of guys emailing at usedcbxparts@hotmail.com me it might be worth doing again. Let me know what you think about this weird time of the year for a rally.

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Post by daves79x »

I think that sounds fine Louis. Are you talking about 2018 or 2019? I suppose a case can be made for either year being the 40th. Either way there is lots of time if we decide soon.


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Post by Louis »

daves79x wrote:I think that sounds fine Louis. Are you talking about 2018 or 2019? I suppose a case can be made for either year being the 40th. Either way there is lots of time if we decide soon.

I was thinking 2019-- Which would be the 1979 for the USA.

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Post by Rick Pope »


That sounds like a great idea.
Rick Pope
Either garage is too small or we have too many bikes. Or Momma's car needs to go outside.

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Post by rpleines »

Sounds great to me as well. You can count on me to help. Rich
Rich Pleines

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Post by Jeff Bennetts »

Rick Pope wrote:Louis,

That sounds like a great idea.
A goal to work towards with enough time in between to establish some networking with a couple smaller rallies and inviting other Honda Clubs that could be interested in a 40th.

I'm sure a few larger more established promoters are looking into something to celebrate Honda's Starship Super Bike's 40 th. With enough time and enough people involved maybe the club can tap into that energy, in the mean time a few smaller rallies are the way to go to spread the 40 th rally idea around so when the time comes you'll have a network of volunteers that are up to speed and excited to move forward.

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Post by Bob Steiner »

Hi everyone. Over the last few years there have been numerous times I really would have loved to been at some of the events. Life just keeps getting in the way. I must thank all of you who keep this cause going. I hope there will continue to be events scheduled and I will try harder to be there. Maybe you should schedule things you would like to do, put the word out and enjoy the time whether anyone else shows up or not. I have noticed on other forums people post they are going to ride someplace and invite others to join them. Maybe close to home or on longer trips. Keep it simple kind of trips.

Bob S.

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Post by Ringnalda »

We are in 2017. Officially the 40th birthday for the CBX is in 2018, as the bike was launched in 1978. Anyway perhaps we can have two birthdays...! I know that a big event can be done, just look at the fabulous event in Ireland a few years back. Over 200 CBX's in one place! We are keen to get something going, have had many discussions on what we need to do/promote/organize in the club and are open to all suggestions. The thought of piggy-backing on an already large motorcycling event seems to be gaining traction, and we will see how that goes this year at Barber. We are open to all ideas, but a rally near good riding areas seems to be at or near the top of most lists... Even so, when the rally at West Jefferson (about the best riding of any roads anywhere) was organized, about 14 people showed up; perhaps that was due to late/insufficient advertising? How can we overcome the apathy? Who is game to meet up in Vegas at the bike auction next January?
Good judgement comes from experience. Experience comes from bad judgement.

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Post by reverend-ralph »

Bob Steiner wrote:Hi everyone. Over the last few years there have been numerous times I really would have loved to been at some of the events. Life just keeps getting in the way. I must thank all of you who keep this cause going. I hope there will continue to be events scheduled and I will try harder to be there. Maybe you should schedule things you would like to do, put the word out and enjoy the time whether anyone else shows up or not. I have noticed on other forums people post they are going to ride someplace and invite others to join them. Maybe close to home or on longer trips. Keep it simple kind of trips.

Bob S.
Ditto. Time and distance have kept me from attending as many as I would like, but I always enjoy the ones I am able to get to.

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Post by Motofun352 »

For what it's worth, I'm trying to convince Dennis to ride up to the Oneata rally for a day trip....about 3 hours one way for me. If the weather cooperates I should be there about 10am. Been too long.

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Post by Jeff Bennetts »

Motofun352 wrote:For what it's worth, I'm trying to convince Dennis to ride up to the Oneata rally for a day trip....about 3 hours one way for me. If the weather cooperates I should be there about 10am. Been too long.
What day are you arriving on Jack, Saturday?

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Post by Motofun352 »

probably Friday, depends on the weather and if Dennis can make it.

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Post by Jeff Bennetts »

Motofun352 wrote:probably Friday, depends on the weather and if Dennis can make it.
Got it.

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