Opened up a spare speedometer today...
Posted: Mon Sep 27, 2010 6:09 pm
It HAD an intact needle (more later
) that I needed for my '79's speedo. Anyway, I used a similar technique to EMS's that I read about here (viewtopic.php?f=27&t=3995&hilit=cutting+gauges) except that instead of a board with a hole in it (I'm too lazy to cut a hole that big), I used a full-size ring compressor. Worked fine, no damage to the bezel (but I'm going to use masking tape on the gauge in the bike just in case).
After the spare gauge came apart, the WIND from one of my fingers breezed against the needle and it broke IN THE EXACT SAME PLACE AS MY OLD ONE.
Anyway, now I'm going to try the straight pin and glue technique discussed in that thread above.
P.S. The donor gauge was one of the 85 mph models and it definitely has a glass face. The faces on my '79's gauges SEEM to be plastic, but I may be fooled by the sound they make when I tap them (and the fact that a mutant P.O. scratched the crap out of the tachometer face). Anybody know for sure??

After the spare gauge came apart, the WIND from one of my fingers breezed against the needle and it broke IN THE EXACT SAME PLACE AS MY OLD ONE.

P.S. The donor gauge was one of the 85 mph models and it definitely has a glass face. The faces on my '79's gauges SEEM to be plastic, but I may be fooled by the sound they make when I tap them (and the fact that a mutant P.O. scratched the crap out of the tachometer face). Anybody know for sure??