Centerstand and chain got together 200 miles from home...

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Centerstand and chain got together 200 miles from home...

Post by Terry »

After months of running a 6/1 DG header with a Kerker pipe (whose) instruction sheet says the center stand does NOT have to be removed, and remember, I've had them on for about 2,000 miles, all of a sudden on my trip up hiway 1 Saturday, just south of Ft. Bragg, I stopped for a smoke using the side stand and noticed the center stand butting up underneath the bottom row of the drive chain! :shock: It looked almost like a chain tensioner. The chain had cut a nice little groove in the stand but the stand had NOT caught the chain and subsequently bucked me off and over the handlebars! Boy was I lucky. :D So, WTF here? Not having another X to compare with, I can't figure out what happened? Everything looks the same (I guess) so does the stand have a (stop) built in somewhere and it fell off or? or does it rotate as far up as it can go (whenever it wants to)? Any ideas? I made do with a piece of wood from the side of the road and some electrical tape I had thrown in my kit bag to make a wedge between the left rear peg brace and the center stand arm. Worked great! I still don't know what caused this though.
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Post by EMS »

Doesn't the stock exhaust have a stop on the left side for the c-stand to bump against? :?:
If so, and your DG doesn't have that, would that cause the problem?
Maybe this is too simple and I am missing something :? :?

E Lee

DG with Kerker

Post by E Lee »

Don't know about center stand "yet" but will pay attention. I have a DG 6:1 on the way.
Question; did you substitute the Kerker cone for sound and or performance?
Can the DG cone/baffle be modified instead?
Are the headers blueing?

E Lee

DG with Kerker

Post by E Lee »

Don't know about center stand "yet" but will pay attention. I have a DG 6:1 on the way.
Question; did you substitute the Kerker cone for sound and or performance?
Can the DG cone/baffle be modified instead?
Are the headers blueing?

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Post by RIPPER »

There is a stop on my Supertrapps and I would imagine stock.

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Post by Terry »

UPDATE--The stock left side pipe does indeed have a built-in (stop) for the C stand but w/o them mounted, and up until Saturday, after running around three months this way, the stand and chain began to touch (the outside row of chain to the inside top edge of the C stand leg/foot). I measured the inner distance between the left and right (feet) of the stand and its about 7&3/4". The outer edge of the chain of course is about 8&1/4" from the right side C stand foot. Whenever someone gets the time, could you take the same measurement with the C stand up and tell me what your figures are?

E Lee, I was told these pipes were from TIMS and advertised as the Kerker Comp header with the smaller of the three end plates offered, the one that doesn't require re-jetting etc. I've never had it off to see just what's inside. Its louder than stock certainly, but for me not too loud. Sounds very healthy when the revs go up. Most everyone else I've spoken to says they are actually DG header pipes with a Kerker can on them. The can is SS or brushed? but not chrome, the headers and collector are chrome. No blueing but blueing can be attributed to either thin wall pipes and/or bad air/fuel settings. Mine are a bit golden actually.
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Chain saw

Post by Dave Ditner »

Got me thinking to a long time back when I put a D & D on my 79. I had to fabricate a bracket to keep the centerstand out of the chain path.

9 Xs: 4-79s, 1-80, 1-81 and 3-82s

george g

Post by george g »

I, too, had to make my own stopper for the center stand of the '79 I purchased three years ago. It came with a Kerker header - not sure if the previous owner received the stopper or didn't know what to do with it and tossed it.

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Post by busaboy »

My new Kerker came with a welded stop and a rubber bumper to insert therein...

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