After months of running a 6/1 DG header with a Kerker pipe (whose) instruction sheet says the center stand does NOT have to be removed, and remember, I've had them on for about 2,000 miles, all of a sudden on my trip up hiway 1 Saturday, just south of Ft. Bragg, I stopped for a smoke using the side stand and noticed the center stand butting up underneath the bottom row of the drive chain!

It looked almost like a chain tensioner. The chain had cut a nice little groove in the stand but the stand had NOT caught the chain and subsequently bucked me off and over the handlebars! Boy was I lucky.

So, WTF here? Not having another X to compare with, I can't figure out what happened? Everything looks the same (I guess) so does the stand have a (stop) built in somewhere and it fell off or? or does it rotate as far up as it can go (whenever it wants to)? Any ideas? I made do with a piece of wood from the side of the road and some electrical tape I had thrown in my kit bag to make a wedge between the left rear peg brace and the center stand arm. Worked great! I still don't know what caused this though.
It ain't the destination, its the journey...