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Gas Tanks - Interchange with '82 ??

Posted: Mon Jul 20, 2015 9:31 pm
by whawker

It looks like I'm shopping for a replacement gas tank for my '82 CBX. I'm under the impression from somewhere along the line that the 79 and 80 are different for sure, but does an '81 match the '82? Any fiddle-fooling to make it fit? (paint and decals, obviously)

Searched all over the web and this site, can't seem to find this answer! Hope this is the right section of the forums for this question.

Thanks for any help y'all can give,


Re: Gas Tanks - Interchange with '82 ??

Posted: Mon Jul 20, 2015 10:00 pm
by whatscooking
I am presently sealing a tank that has rusted through on a bike that I intend to make a daily rider. I went the Red Kote route and just today finished the second coat, it's looking evenly sealed. Louis will have one.

Re: Gas Tanks - Interchange with '82 ??

Posted: Tue Jul 21, 2015 5:27 am
by daves79x
'81 and '82 tanks are the same, so finding either will work. Petcock opening is larger on the '82 so if you find an '81, you'll need a different petcock. Is your rusted through? If not too bad it can be fixed.


Re: Gas Tanks - Interchange with '82 ??

Posted: Sat Jul 25, 2015 7:38 pm
by whawker
Dang, that's good news, thanks, whatscooking. Just checked for a Youtube, found a few, the one I looked at was sealing from the inside. I have a rust spot about the size of a nickel or a quarter on the outside tank surface where it's leaked through. I can get a photo next week and post it. I don't think there's a visible hole as such, but I'm guessing the metal is pretty rotten right at that rust spot. Is Red Kote going to seal that up with enough strength to be safe?

Do you put some on the exterior as well? Sand it and repaint the tank?

Daves79, thanks for the info on 81 vs 82. I guess at this point I'll look at red kote to see if it will work, then continue to search for a tank.