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stuck clutch cover

Posted: Sat Mar 28, 2015 7:03 pm
by kbart1
hey guys

anybody have any tips on how to pull a stuck clutch cover off a pro-link? I have removed all the bolts (11 in total) but the cover is stuck to the engine. I cant find anywhere to get a good grip on it to pull it apart. it may be that I painted the motor with the cover on and the paint is holding onto it but I doubt the paint is that strong. cant find any real place to pry on it either, and don't want to mark up my pristine paint job. anybody have any tips????


Re: stuck clutch cover

Posted: Sat Mar 28, 2015 7:25 pm
by EMS
Somebody probably used a sealant that keeps the cover in place. Try using a rubber mallet to bang it a bit. There are dowel pins in the cover, so it has to come straight off the block.
You may have to carefully pry in a spot that is not in plain sight, but, again, be careful, you don't want to mar the seal surface..

Re: stuck clutch cover

Posted: Sat Mar 28, 2015 7:25 pm
by mike209
I use "dead blow" hammer, (rubber hummer with sand inside) tap it around few times and it always comes off

Re: stuck clutch cover

Posted: Sat Mar 28, 2015 7:27 pm
by EMS
Have you tried to pull the clutch with the cable still attached?

Re: stuck clutch cover

Posted: Sun Mar 29, 2015 1:14 pm
by kbart1
thanks guys

I have and will try some of these suggestions. I think I will need a buddy to hit it with the rubber mallet while I try and pull it straight off. I can always re-paint it off the bike if need be, the key is to get to the clutch. guessing I can wack it pretty good with the rubber mallet without doing any damage???


Re: stuck clutch cover

Posted: Sun Mar 29, 2015 9:38 pm
by Larry Zimmer
Do be a bit careful, Kent. Sometimes those aluminium castings can be a bit brittle. And, if I remember correctly, the two dowel locators for the cover are not the stoutest. If it is 'glued' in place with a sealant, as suggested above, you might try playing a heat gun around the joint for a bit before trying the removal. Might just soften things enough to get it to move. Depends upon what may have been used.

Having said all that, as I recall, the last time I removed mine it did require a bit of mallet persuasion. Even plain gaskets can be stubborn after many years. The oil seeping into them sets somewhat like a varnish. Again, a bit of heat might help. Good luck.

Re: stuck clutch cover

Posted: Mon Mar 30, 2015 5:34 am
by daves79x
Kent: Put the cable back on and adjust. Then simply pull the clutch lever at the bars and it should pop right loose. Alternately, do as the guys said, but put a leather glove under the spot you want to hit with the hammer.

Re: stuck clutch cover

Posted: Mon Mar 30, 2015 6:44 pm
by kbart1
thanks guys

all great info and dave that's exactly what I did. cable back on, adjusted it so it was pretty tight, tied back the clutch lever and a couple good thunks with the mallet and she popped right off. now I have to clean off the old rock hard gasket, without damaging or stripping my paint.
