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Good advice needed
Posted: Fri Mar 14, 2003 3:50 pm
by EMS
Hi folks!
I need help from an experienced CBX "bodywork" person. I replaced the tailpiece on my red 79 with a NOS unit.

The part I got, however, was a 1980 version. I also got the correct chrome support rail and the tray. I was also able to secure brand new hardware for the door. But still, that :twisted:

thing does not want to close right. It leaves a gap of about 1/4 inch on the rear corners. Anybody had similar experience and has a remedy?
tail piece
Posted: Sat Mar 15, 2003 10:02 pm
by Ron#5602
ON my 80 X it depends on which seat I us as to how the tail piece door fits and closes. But I don't think I've ever had a 1/4 inch gap before. Sorry not much help. Ron#5602 :?:
Posted: Sun Mar 16, 2003 7:33 pm
by Jeff Bennetts
EMS,The replacement part for the 79 tail is the 80,this was Honda's way of fixing the cracking 79 tails.
The door can be adjusted by shimming the screws at the hinge, you can also shift it left to right before tightening down the screws.
You can adjust the pull down pressure of the door by bending the retaining tang up and down.
80 Deck Lid
Posted: Sun Mar 16, 2003 11:46 pm
by Ken Elmore
Hey EMS,
I have the exact same ugly gaps on both of my 80's. The tail cowl doors fit like crap and my black bike has a crack between the lock and the back end of the door. I hate this 80 tail and have uttered many bad words over this design. My custom black 80 with the Big Bore motor will carry a 79 Z-type tail. I am going to use the fibre glass unit from the Aussie Club since it is way beefier than the Crack-O-Matic original. I might bore the tail for a chromed artificial lock piece that will keep the 80 look--maybe not!!!
My latest thought on fitting the doors might be a baseball bat :twisted: I may "glue" the door on my red bike and reinforce it with SS mesh from the underside--I do not care if these doors ever open.
Good Luck, Ken
Posted: Mon Mar 17, 2003 7:43 am
by Jeff Bennetts
Hint, if you have a 79 tail section thats not cracked and you want to keep it that way find the 80 replacement rail with the 2 rubber bumpers,this seems to spread the load on the tail better,also don't torque your seat down too tight.
80 Tailpiece Door
Posted: Mon Mar 17, 2003 7:51 am
by EMS
Thanks guys! At least, it seems it is a general problem and I am not too stupid to make this thing fit.

I just wonder whether it is a retrofit issue or whether stock units had similar problems from the factory.
Glueing the door down sounds like a great solution. There isn't much you can put itno that compartment anyway. :)