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CBX restoration shops, advice needed!
Posted: Mon Mar 05, 2018 6:30 am
by Kar1zma
hi all
this is my very first post on this website. i have been lurking around as an outsider for a longtime
but finally decided to join in.
i live in the middle east and we do not have any CBXs here however the bike never ceased to amaze me
the very image of it is exciting.
i am finally looking to purchase one from USA have it restored/rebuilt with modern specs and performance
nothing too crazy. looking to make a solid motor producing 120HP . the only thing i would change in the bike
is the rear wheel. it really is small.
this will be a ride for keeps not for resale!!!!!
i have been searching and found the most popular places are Digitalpizza
and TIMS restoration as well as CBXJOHN. how do i go about this.
petes bike (digitalpizza) and TIMS bike on youtube are absolutly stunning. those bikes look to be the benchmark.
your inputs are are valuable and very important as this will help me save from bad shops/lost $$$ and lot of heartache
this is going to be long journey hopefully with a lovely CBX at the end.
EDIT: 16 MAY 2018
After a 3 month journey of talking to restorers and reading in here i have decided to give up on the 120HP goal
i will just get a CBR or GSXR for that
so now i will focus on a purely stock vehicle with maybe just a dyna ignition, TIMS regulator and pipemaster/kerkers
Re: CBX restoration shops, advice needed!
Posted: Wed Mar 07, 2018 6:54 pm
by FalldownPhil
There is not much out there to compare to the work of Pete Rose (digitalpizza) .
Re: CBX restoration shops, advice needed!
Posted: Wed Mar 07, 2018 8:43 pm
by steve murdoch icoa #5322
Welcome to the site.
Can't say that i have ever heard of CBXJOHN so i can't offer an opinion.
Only ever heard good things about Pete Rose and Tims and if there ever was a problem they took care of it.
Re: CBX restoration shops, advice needed!
Posted: Thu Mar 08, 2018 7:43 am
by daves79x
JR Luksik and Jim Zemanic are both excellent at custom builds.
Re: CBX restoration shops, advice needed!
Posted: Thu Mar 08, 2018 11:34 am
by wyly
closer to where you live Bert at always has a few for sale and does rebuilds as well.
Re: CBX restoration shops, advice needed!
Posted: Sat Mar 24, 2018 10:16 am
by Kar1zma
i spoke to both pete and Tim
great people
we spoke at length and Tim isnt restoring any more
he does have three low miles CBXs which are in superb condition but way out of my budget
so currently talking with Pete to see how we can work out a project for me
thanks for the advice guys
Re: CBX restoration shops, advice needed!
Posted: Sat Mar 24, 2018 5:06 pm
by daves79x
I know about what Bill at TIMS got for some of his highest-end restorations, both stock and modified as you have suggested you might want. If you've talked to Pete, you know by now that he is a very meticulous nut-and-bolt, faithful to original restorer. I do not think you are going to get anything close to what you want for less than $20,000 USD, likely somewhat more. But you must already know that by now. Hope you find what you want from your search.
Re: CBX restoration shops, advice needed!
Posted: Sat Mar 24, 2018 5:24 pm
by wyly
when I paid a visit to Bert at SCM he also mentioned selling a full restoration for 20K euros, but that was 2-3 yrs ago so my memory could be faulty...
Re: CBX restoration shops, advice needed!
Posted: Tue Apr 10, 2018 1:50 am
by Kar1zma
Has anyone spoken with Pete recently .
No response from him in a month.
He was not well last time we spoke. I do hope he is all right
We didn't finish talking about my project so I don't know what he would charge . But if u guys say around 20K$
Well the project might go on for longer than I hope it would
Re: CBX restoration shops, advice needed!
Posted: Mon May 14, 2018 11:32 am
by Kar1zma
Guys any experience with Terry Schmitt from Illinois
I did contact him . He seems much more reasonable .
Pricing for his bikes are a little out of my budget but still in reach
Re: CBX restoration shops, advice needed!
Posted: Mon May 14, 2018 11:58 am
by FalldownPhil
Terry is a great guy and quite reliable. You will be happy.
Re: CBX restoration shops, advice needed!
Posted: Mon May 14, 2018 12:57 pm
by desertrefugee
Another option here in the SW US is Nils at
I've visited his facility to take advantage of the excellent vapor blasting service he provides. I can attest to the completeness of his facility, organization, detail on project work and attitude towards our passion.
I hear he works pretty cheaply, too. (

Re: CBX restoration shops, advice needed!
Posted: Mon May 14, 2018 3:53 pm
by daves79x
I just re-read your original post. To get what you say you want, after thinking about it some more, would be quite significantly north of $20,000 USD. Have you modified your requirements to fit closer to your budget? Terry builds very nice bikes and will be very honest and up-front with you about everything. Terry is doing pretty much stock/mild mods on his bikes. That's why I asked if your focus has changed. Personally, I'd put my money into as nice a stock/near stock CBX as you can find for your budget. It will ultimately become less of a money pit, and be worth more than a CBX like you originally described.
Re: CBX restoration shops, advice needed!
Posted: Tue May 15, 2018 7:42 am
by EMS
120hp out of a naturally aspirated CBX motor are not that easy to come by. You will need more than a guy who just knows how to turn a wrench the right way.
Preston Marks in Florida may be able to help you. I am putting a 1303cc CBX motor with CR carbs together which may end up close to that. First runs are promising. I have the support of a local engine expert, but we will not do any for others for money.
Re: CBX restoration shops, advice needed!
Posted: Tue May 15, 2018 8:50 am
by daves79x
Plus-1 on Preston for engine builds!