(Those of you Old Timers that know all this can skip the preamble and get straight to the tool pr0n below)
These older Hondas use a funky screw-in bearing retainer system, with a big fat seal tucked in the back side. The spacers sit within the bore of the seal, and it does a decent job of keeping mung out and things together, but they are a PITA to remove sometimes. Once they are screwed in, Honda 'stakes' them, laying a pin punch right in the joint where the threads are and intentionally munging the threads into each other to prevent them backing out. Removal calls for drilling out the staked spot with a 1/8 drill bit, then putting a special tool that is sized for that particular bearing retainer, and then backing them out. They are soft and prone to damage, aluminum I think. There are two of them on this bike, different sizes, and they look like this:

A while back I bought this set, and it kicks ass:

And for $55 you can get it from Amazon, free shipping with Prime:
You select the right pins that fit the holes in the retainer, screw them in to the arms of the wrench, put it on your freshly drilled bearing retainer, and back them out with zero fuss or drama.