Hi Tom & all,
Now the mystery of this bike is why it was taken apart with the head off and camshafts out two or three owners ago.
Everything so far (apart from a damaged piston and sleeve from sitting) is good right down to the crank, this is the first anomaly or possible problem I have encountered.
Tom, when you say,
"All of mine seem to not be angled like yours. They do not sit flat against the end of the cam and I think that is the way Honda made them."
I'm not quite clear about that - mine don't sit flat against the camshaft either, that's the oddness I'm describing. There is no play side to side on 3 out of 4, yet If I push them in against the camshaft, they are at an angle relative to the camshaft.
http://www3.sympatico.ca/brian.weir/Mot ... ertilt.jpg
the local Honda guys think this is deliberate also.
If I turn the coupler 180 degrees, the angle changes to the other side.
I agree that this could be sort of anti binding arrangement, that would be very important. Do you use oversize or stock couplers?
So maybe the tilt is ok and the play is very low (3 out of 4 sides stay in the end of the camshaft if I dry fit them & turn it upside down, the 4th sticks sometimes). The thickness on the wear areas is .2357",.2357" not varying more than -.0002"on one coupler and .2355",.2356" not varying more than -.0002" on the other.
so my questions to all are:
1)Are these couplers ok?
2) do the oversize couplers include this in their design?
3) how much of an interference fit are they & what is the material?
My speculation, if the oversize coupler does not include this tilt, is that the original honda couplers get so noisy because of the tilt (makes them wear faster?) and the oversize actually are quieter because they don't have it. If the oversize don't have the tilt and also are interference fits then binding is not a problem.
Any other obsessive techies out there?