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Need tips for Installing Rings

Posted: Tue Jun 06, 2006 8:36 pm
by JBRollo
Are there any quick and dirty methods for installing CBX rings? I really do not want to buy new 4 ring compressors and use them only once.

Any other tips or techniques, cautions, etc would be appreciated. This is my first time installing rings from the bottom side (vs from top for auto).


Posted: Wed Jun 07, 2006 7:38 am
by broook
The first four are pretty easy but the last two are the hardest. All I ever used were my fingers but you could use a hose clamp on the last two as the cylinder is down pretty close to the base by then and there isn`t very much room left. Just don`t tighten the clamp too tight so that it won`t slide down the piston. Don`t forget to put the base gasket on first, not like some idiot that I know. [ Not telling you who it was but I was pretty frustrated]. :oops:

Posted: Wed Jun 07, 2006 8:34 am
by bobber
I've used hose clamps with shim stock to compress the rings at times. Other times I've had a friend help guide in the pistons. However you do it use LOTS of oil on the cylinders, pistons and rings!

Posted: Wed Jun 07, 2006 10:17 am
by JBRollo
Thank you very much. This really helped. I was unsure you could just use fingers. I found some solid band stainless hose clamps for $3.50 each at I ordered 4 of the 2.65 inch. That should help too. ... %20Clamps/

I will try to remember to put the gasket on first! But I can't gurantee anything.

Jim R.

Posted: Mon Feb 05, 2007 4:31 pm
by HondaCBX6
Go and buy some Coors Light Beer. Open a can and pour it out. (It isn't worth drinking anyway). Cut the top and bottom off and split the can. You can do all of this with a Xacto knife or similar. The Coors cans are thin and flexible and work well for compressing rings into cylinders. You can use the hose clamps over the aluminum can to hold them compressed. Use oil as needed.


Posted: Mon Feb 05, 2007 7:44 pm
by EMS
HondaCBX6 wrote:Go and buy some Coors Light Beer. Open a can and pour it out. (It isn't worth drinking anyway).

Excellent advise! Just excellent! 8) 8) :!:

Posted: Tue Feb 06, 2007 6:17 am
by daves79x
There is a school of thought that you install pistons and rings relatively 'dry'. It seems that the rings seat more quickly/better that way. I've always done it that way and have had no trouble getting rings to seat/reseat. If you turn the engine over to build oil pressure first before starting it, you'll have lots of oil soon enough on the piston skirts and cylinders anyway.
BTW, the Honda ring compressors are worth their weight in gold!
