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Starter turns off

Posted: Mon Mar 24, 2014 4:55 pm
by bhf

When i try to start up the Engine, it turns 2 to 3 times, and then the starter goes spinning, without turning the Engine around. It wont start the Engine :x what does Tour starter motors do? Keep on spinning the Engine around? On my little cbx 400 it keeps turning after start If i dont Remote my finger from the buttom. Sorry the bad english im from denmark

Re: Starter turns off

Posted: Mon Mar 24, 2014 8:26 pm
by steve murdoch icoa #5322
bhf, i wonder if you are having starter clutch problems.
Have a look at this thread.
viewtopic.php?f=6&t=7365&p=56483&hilit= ... tch#p56483

Re: Starter turns off

Posted: Tue Mar 25, 2014 6:28 am
by bhf
Thanks for the link. The Engine have been sitting with oil in for about 8-10 years and not running before i got it. The oil i got out off it were new but dont now what oil it was. I have put mineral oil 10w50 in it. Can the oil be some of the problem? I was told that bike ran before it were taken appart for nealy 10 years ago.

Re: Starter turns off

Posted: Tue Mar 25, 2014 12:14 pm
by daves79x
My experience has been that if synthetic oil is being used where regular oil was used for years, then starter clutch problems can develop. Compounding this is the length of time the bike has sat idle. If you can get it to run somehow and good and warm with regular oil - it might start working enough to use. I'd try running as light of oil as you can to try to free any sticking parts in the starter clutch, but the rollers and springs can get pretty sticky. If that fails, it'll have to come apart to clean and/or repair.


Re: Starter turns off

Posted: Tue Mar 25, 2014 7:23 pm
by NobleHops
What about a little kerosene or Marvel Mystery Oil or even ATF in place of a half quart of the motor oil Dave? Would that be safe to try do you think?

Re: Starter turns off

Posted: Tue Mar 25, 2014 9:23 pm
by Larry Zimmer
My thoughts, Nils, are that would be OK PROVIDED the engine was loaded very lightly for a short time. Might do the job. As a sidebar to that, the old-timers would do something similar to that to clean out the old flatheads -- let it sit and idle for 1/2 hour with straight kerosene in the crankcase. Then, drain, and refill with normal oil.

Re: Starter turns off

Posted: Wed Mar 26, 2014 12:39 am
by NobleHops
Well in that case I guess I'd try it in an otherwise good-running engine before I tore it apart.

Re: Starter turns off

Posted: Wed Mar 26, 2014 8:54 am
by EMS
Larry Zimmer wrote: As a sidebar to that, the old-timers would do something similar to that to clean out the old flatheads -- let it sit and idle for 1/2 hour with straight kerosene in the crankcase. Then, drain, and refill with normal oil.
Would that work with an engine, that does NOT have ball bearing rod journals?

Re: Starter turns off

Posted: Wed Mar 26, 2014 12:27 pm
by Larry Zimmer
Don't honestly know, Mike. While it might, I certainly would not put any load on it. I have never done it. But, I knew several old-timers, including an uncle of mine, who did such a thing. Just thought I'd mention some historic 'trivia'.