Posted: Sat Jul 03, 2010 8:11 pm
I added a VDO clock to my gauge assembly. I couldn't find my earlier post when I added a oil pressure and temp gauges using the VDO gauge cups so I had to start a new string. I have watched the original CBX clocks sell on Ebay for the last couple of years and I'll be darned if I am paying $100+ for a used 30 year old one. The one from VDO isn't a match to the Honda clock having white lettering over matte black so I removed the lens and over-sprayed with candy tangerine lacquer until I got the right shade to match my faded gauges. It isn't mounted permanent yet but I did hook up the back light and it comes through loud and clear. The other two add-on's are sealed units so I might use a hobby ban saw to cut through the case behind the bezel and give them the same paint treatment. I can paint the needle tips white to better match the speedo and tach. Here is a comparison of the assembly before and after paint. The clock is on top. http://www.spookytoms.com/SpookyTom-CBX-79-1-RB07C.html