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Battery swap...finally!

Posted: Thu May 28, 2009 10:34 pm
by Terry
Its been six years, almost to the month that I replaced the battery in my 79 while on tour. Had to settle for a 'fill it with water occasionally' type, an Interstate Y50N18LA which has 350 CCAs. Lately its been starting the bike kinda slowly so I load tested it and sure enough its failing. Found another online thru BatteryStuff.Com and took a chance and bought a sealed AGM from the Scorpion company, model YTX24HLBS, also with 350CCAs. I put it in the 82 as its the bike more often ridden long distances (Montana here I come in July!!!) and took the (also six year old) battery, a Westco sealed AGM, same exterior size and weight but no model name on it, and put it in place of the old Interstate in the 79. It tests fine and spins the 82 like a top! Should serve the 79 well until it finally peters out. Its inevitable I guess but using my Deltran Battery Jr occasionally has sure made them last a long time. I'll report back when the Westco wears out. BTW, the new Scorpion cost only $77 delivered!!! They only list batteries for 1982 CBXs and this one is listed as the optional one. Boy if it fails on my tour this summer I'm gonna be pissed!!! :evil: :lol:

Posted: Fri May 29, 2009 4:08 am
by alimey4u2
Just bought 2 CTEK XS800 battery chargers for my weather locked bikes...Plug & play IE, plug them in & go play with something else... :lol:
My Ole Westco still going strong... 8)

Posted: Fri May 29, 2009 12:08 pm
by Don #6141
AGM's don't really mind sitting unused for 4 or 5 months . . . . which pretty much negates the need for a trickle charger


Posted: Fri May 29, 2009 12:21 pm
by alimey4u2
Darn computor on the Beemer eats batteries over winter Don... :? They were cheap, so seeing I had to run power to the garage, got the CBX wired up as well... 8)