Battery Sudden-Death-Syndrome
Posted: Sun Nov 27, 2005 4:49 pm
A tip to those who have experienced battery sds and don't know why; and, to those who haven't, but, might. I have an '82. Had sds this past Sept enroute to Sonestown. (Got lucky with a new battery from a NAPA store a mile from the 'incident'.) As I began doing some maintenance a couple weeks ago requiring seat removal, I noticed that the battery was 'loose' in its compartment. The battery sits in a plastic box that slides into the compartment. The slide-in box has molded tabs inside it that should cushion the battery. However, with age, these tabs loose their flexibility. They, then, no longer hold the battery secure. Bottom line, vibration does it!! Might not seem like much. BUT, that little relatively high frequency rattling about makes for some significant pounding of the plates. The cure is to put something, anything around the battery such that it cannot move when you close the door. VERY SNUG is the word. Can't get it too tight. (Well, OK, don't collapse the thing!)
I'm not familiar with the earlier models; but, I expect they are similar. Hope this helps someone. Battery sds can be a major pain when you're 50 miles from nowhere. And it is Sudden!
Keep the rubber down. See youall soon.
I'm not familiar with the earlier models; but, I expect they are similar. Hope this helps someone. Battery sds can be a major pain when you're 50 miles from nowhere. And it is Sudden!
Keep the rubber down. See youall soon.