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Alternator noises

Posted: Fri Mar 26, 2004 7:59 am
by Hobbes
Howdy all!

Less than a year ago, I installed one of the Australian aftermarket alternators on my '80CBX.

It worked fine at first, but after a few months and about 3k miles, it started developing a whirring, whistling sound while revving the engine and also while cruising along at a steady speed.

At about this time, its charging capacity also diminished significantly.

Took it to the shop, and the alternator guy turned the commutator and re-did the brushes.

Now it's charging again, but it's still making the whirring noise. I asked my mechanic if maybe it's the bearings from the alternator shaft that comes out of then engine... He thought the shaft was nice and tight and the bearings felt smooth, but I'm a little dubious.

What say the resident experts here on the best CBX site around?

Thanks VERY much,

-Ed Holm

Posted: Fri Mar 26, 2004 11:43 am
by Passx

in an automotive alternator what you've described is a bearing noise and I would assume the same for this one. You can probably contact Dennis McCartney at, he sells either the same unit or a similar unit and may be able to better advise you. Hope that helps.

Steve P. #5220

Posted: Mon Feb 19, 2007 7:35 am
Hi Ed.

I am George from Uruguay.

Right now I have the SAME alternator noise that you describe in your post !

As your post is from 2004, I hope you can help me to deduce what is the problem............... Bearings?

Thanks and I wait for your answer!



Posted: Mon Feb 19, 2007 8:14 am
by alimey4u2
George, Just a point of clarification, do you have the stock ( Honda CBX)alternator or an aftermarket one fitted ?

Posted: Mon Feb 19, 2007 8:20 am
I have sotck.

The sound it's just like Ed says Whriii, only when you rev and with the ligths ON.



Posted: Mon Feb 19, 2007 8:57 am
by EMS
On the stock alternator it is most probably the bearing. Maybe worn clutch plates that make a scrunching sound. On the aftermarket alternator, maybe Stefan Jung who makes the ones CBXMan is selling and is here evr so often can comment :?: :?: