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carb tuning?

Posted: Thu Oct 18, 2012 4:23 pm
by Dennis Goodenough
Just rebuilt my 79 carbs as per Mike Nixon's book. Also sonic cleaned all 6 after disassembly.

Here's the deal. Bike was tuned and has been running like a champ but during my last ride I got a slight after burn and missing around 2000 RPM whether exccelerating or decelerating. I add the proper amount of STP fuel treatment every time I fill up and use gas with no ethanol.

But the thing sits for 2-3 weeks at a time and starts hard. I have to use the chock a lot to keep it runnig until warm. I think the plugs are loading up.
Thought I would try a new set. Any ideas/solutions from Xers would be most welcome.

Thanx Dennis

Re: carb tuning?

Posted: Thu Oct 18, 2012 7:51 pm
by 6Pipes

There are a lot of folks on this forum that have forgotten more about carbs then I know and they will no doubt be responding to your problem but can you explain what you mean when you say you got a slight after burn? Also, if the engine is missing on deceleration you may have an ignition problem as opposed to carburation.

Re: carb tuning?

Posted: Fri Oct 19, 2012 7:51 am
by EMS
Dennis Goodenough wrote: But the thing sits for 2-3 weeks at a time and starts hard. I have to use the chock a lot to keep it runnig until warm. I think the plugs are loading up.
Thought I would try a new set. Any ideas/solutions from Xers would be most welcome.

Thanx Dennis
CBXes are not "good" starters, after they sit for a while. In addition, carburetted Hondas of the 70s and 80s have a reputation of being "cold-blooded" when in factory tune state and all require an extented time on choke when started cold.

Re: carb tuning?

Posted: Fri Oct 19, 2012 12:53 pm
by Dennis Goodenough
6 Pipes, I have some minor hesitation (Missing?) on acceleration 2000-2300 RPR and slight after burn (sometimes) on deceleration. Other than that the thing runs great esp in higher RPS. Good throttle responce, good idle. Maybe I'm just too fussy. This "problem" just started the last time out. I'll go for a ride this week end and see what gives.

The spark plugs are old (20 yrs) but have less than 2k on them. Thought they would get me to the end of the season.

Stay tuned, Dennis

Re: carb tuning?

Posted: Tue Oct 23, 2012 4:24 pm
by Dennis Goodenough
It's the temperature. If the bike sits in a parking lot for a while in cooler temps (50s) it just has to warm up all the way before it wants to behave right.

On my most recent ride temps were in the 70s and it ran great. False alarm.