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'79 carbs: peening throttle plate screws

Posted: Sun Oct 30, 2011 5:57 pm
by tchap
I have a set of of carbs that have been disassembled right down to the throttle plates and shafts being removed. Any advice on setting the plates to the bores and peening the screws would be much appreciated!

Edit: peening = staking. Got to thinking about that after my original post. I've known the process as both over the years. Thanks!

Re: '79 carbs: peening throttle plate screws

Posted: Thu Nov 17, 2011 5:11 am
by daves79x
Sorry - this one slipped by. No real need to re-stake the screws. They will be a definite 'interference' fit when you run them back in. Most will be re-usable, but button head stainless replacements are available. You should Locktite those, but only a bit - the Loctite will creep out the shaft and lock them also.


Re: '79 carbs: peening throttle plate screws

Posted: Thu Nov 17, 2011 7:52 am
by tchap
Thank you for the reply Dave! I'm glad the task will be that simple. I've been picturing a set-up where I'm using a drift on the head end of the screw and a pin punch of some sort on the the other. Pulling that off 12 times without buggering something up would be a minor miracle!

Re: '79 carbs: peening throttle plate screws

Posted: Thu Nov 17, 2011 9:25 am
by EMS
On a set of BMW Bing carbs, I slotted the screws with a fine saw before installing the butterflies and then I spread the ends ever so slightly, very carefully. Easier than peening becuase it is hard to support against the blow.