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Very Helpfull Company

Posted: Sat Nov 01, 2008 10:29 am
by martym
Just thought I woud share this resent expirience with you all,I have just rebuilt my carbs and found that at some time in the past a previous owner had driled out one of the slow jets,I would imagin to remove a blockage,Anyhow I found a link to a site called 'Motorradbay' , I mailed the man and explained that I just needed one slow jet and he told me that he was out stock of the kits of six jets at the moment but if it was just one jet that needed then he was sure that he could find a loose one and he would send me it free of charge,two days later and the post man deliverd my nice shiny new jet. So thanks very much to a very good fella and have a look at his site (I dont think its all for free) he has some good stuff

Posted: Sun Nov 02, 2008 1:02 pm
by alimey4u2
Thanks for the headsup martym, there are a few good dealers out there... 8)

PS Welcome to the site...