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Posted: Thu May 15, 2008 9:23 pm
by twinegar
I bought the K&L 4 vacuum gauge set from "Z1 Enterprises" and then contacted them and arranged to purchase 2 separate gauges including all hoses and fittings. Any metal part can be utilized as a bracket to fasten the 2 gauges to the wrack. I used 2 pci dummy plates from an old computer because they can be polished to a high shine and are the perfect size and thickness. The screws fastening the gauges to the wrack are too short to pass through the 2 layers of brackets and the threaded holes in the back of the gauges are too shallow to be strong enough to hold the weight of the extra gauge. I drilled the 2 holes on the part of the pci plate to fit snuggly around the original gauge mounting screws and used "JB Weld" epoxy to bond the bracket to the wrack. After 24 hours the bond is solid. I used the gauge mounting screws supplied with the 2 extra gauges to mount the gauges to the pci plates. The 6 gauge wrack obviously won't fit into the case but that is a worthwhile trade off. A cigar humidor case similar to the gauges case can be acquired that will house the larges gauges set and has foam lining to provide a cushion.
There are other ways to get the CBX synched without going to the expense I did but this is a superior set-up that allows monitoring of all 6 carbs at once.
Posted: Thu May 15, 2008 10:09 pm
by Terry
Love those twins!!!!! Have an early example myself. How many miles on the smoker?

Posted: Thu May 15, 2008 10:18 pm
by twinegar
24,600 on the smoker.
Posted: Thu May 15, 2008 10:41 pm
by Terry
Mine has twice that and 'uses' some oil but so far no loss of power and no smoke. My plugs always look oily but they always fire! :) My 82 has nearly 90,000 miles (rebuilt around 26,000 for ? reason) and I'm riding it 2,500 miles or so in a week out to the Grand Canyon area and back. Its always had Amsoil in it and doesn't hardly use any oil. Not sure of how extensive its rebuild was but apparently it was a good job.

Posted: Thu May 15, 2008 10:47 pm
by twinegar
My smoker was obviously abused. The oil sump was almost empty and the general condition was ratty. I spent nearly what the bike cost me to collect all the engine parts, decals and cosmetic parts. I stupidly paid too much for it because it was located on the way back from picking up my other CBX. It will turn out fine and I am glad to be done with the parts collecting.
Posted: Fri May 16, 2008 4:54 am
by alimey4u2
Nice work Twinegar...
PS I have always wondered if your moniker is correct & not a typo for twingear ??
Posted: Fri May 16, 2008 11:04 am
by twinegar
Pretty funny. Speaking of gears, am I the only one that thinks the CBX needs a 6th highway gear? I find myself reaching for #6 all the time.
I NEED A CARB EXPERT TO WEIGH IN..................
The carbs were removed and completely disassembled and cleaned. Yesterday I hooked the 6 gauges up to my bike and the initial readings had the #4 base carb reading about 8 CmHg and the rest at 15 and above. I worked until all 6 were around 18. It is running a lot better but still feels like not all are equal until I open to half throttle. If it was one of my CB750's I would say that the slides aren't opening at the same time when I crack the throttle. I am going to try it again using the adjustment sequence in the shop manual so I can get the same reading on all 6.
I am reading some negative posts about the vacuum, gauges being to bouncy and maybe not equal so I teed them all together and they are giving equal readings with the same vacuum source. Also, each gauge has a damper built in that can be adjusted to eliminate the bouncing needle. I recommend the K&L set even if it is a bit pricey. My set with the addition of the 5th and 6th gauges put me near the $250.00 mark. It would be easier and less expensive to go with the mercury set and I am sure it is just as good.