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Mikuni Flat Sides
Posted: Mon Dec 31, 2007 7:00 pm
by Mopar_Tony_SF1
Somewhere here I read about somebody doing a flatside conversion. Any links to this topic? Thanks
Posted: Mon Dec 31, 2007 7:08 pm
by Chris
I think that Larry (alimey4u2) runs them.
Posted: Tue Jan 01, 2008 12:11 am
by cbxtacy
Larry went back to his smooth bores. Too much trouble dialing them in I believe. And petta59 on another CBX site posted this about his 34's:
Hi! It belongs to me, petta59 from Sweden. It was last summer before I built the new engine with big bore and RS34 flatslide. Could not ride it with this handles, after 20km riding I got pain in my wrists and it feels like nedles in the fingers, maybe I driving to slovely? I don´t think this project never ending, this vinter it will be just polishing, more pics on personal album (last side) // Peter
With all the performance limitations of the CBX engine, it would take a LOT of modification$ to take advantage of the 34mm Mikunis. And it would still hurt ridability. A butterfly is much easier to open then 6 slides with 6 stiff springs necessary to close them with all that air flowing through them.
Posted: Tue Jan 01, 2008 1:14 am
by Terry
"And it would still hurt ridability. A butterfly is much easier to open then 6 slides with 6 stiff springs necessary to close them with all that air flowing through them."
That's just about what I've heard as well. If you wanted a six carb drag bike, the 'sliders' might be the ticket but not so much for overall performance.
Posted: Tue Jan 01, 2008 11:46 am
by EMS
In addition, I would think that 34mm flatslides are little too large for a CBX motor. They would probaly work fine on a 1000cc 4 cyl.
Posted: Tue Jan 01, 2008 5:15 pm
by alimey4u2
Yup the 34mm flatsides run fine with filter pods but I don't seem to get enough signal without. My engine is 1168cc with a flowed head. I haven't given up on them as there are definite horsepower gains over 29mm smoothbores. I need more time & nicer weather, Oh! they are very cold natured by the way......
Posted: Tue Jan 01, 2008 8:02 pm
by chuck_b24
HI!!! Has anyone thought about a megasquirt injection system??? megasquirt + (an add on module) IF you want to do ignition????...chuck
Posted: Sat Jan 05, 2008 12:44 pm
by Jeff Bennetts
The one bad thing about the Mikuni flatslides are the street driveability and the amount of wrist pressure needed to keep them open all day long.
These carbs are better in the WFT mode, To me they are more suited for the track not worth the trouble and expense for the street.
I have a pic of a set I worked on, I'll post it when I find it.
Posted: Sun Feb 03, 2008 6:12 pm
by chuck_b24
alimey4u2 wrote:Yup the 34mm flatsides run fine with filter pods but I don't seem to get enough signal without. My engine is 1168cc with a flowed head. I haven't given up on them as there are definite horsepower gains over 29mm smoothbores. I need more time & nicer weather, Oh! they are very cold natured by the way......
Hello what did you use for intake manifolds?? are yours strait mount??
Posted: Mon Feb 04, 2008 8:11 am
by alimey4u2
chuck_b24 wrote:alimey4u2 wrote:Yup the 34mm flatsides run fine with filter pods but I don't seem to get enough signal without. My engine is 1168cc with a flowed head. I haven't given up on them as there are definite horsepower gains over 29mm smoothbores. I need more time & nicer weather, Oh! they are very cold natured by the way......
Hello what did you use for intake manifolds?? are yours strait mount??
They look like bored out "Ricks Tricks" ( early 29mm Smoothbore Minuni's) rubbers to me but I can't be too sure....
Posted: Wed Feb 06, 2008 2:31 am
by chuck_b24
alimey4u2 wrote:chuck_b24 wrote:alimey4u2 wrote:Yup the 34mm flatsides run fine with filter pods but I don't seem to get enough signal without. My engine is 1168cc with a flowed head. I haven't given up on them as there are definite horsepower gains over 29mm smoothbores. I need more time & nicer weather, Oh! they are very cold natured by the way......
Hello what did you use for intake manifolds?? are yours strait mount??
They look like bored out "Ricks Tricks" ( early 29mm Smoothbore Minuni's) rubbers to me but I can't be too sure....
HI where can these be purchased ???..chuck link/ ph#
Posted: Wed Feb 06, 2008 4:41 am
by alimey4u2
chuck_b24 wrote: HI where can these be purchased ???..chuck link/ ph#
If you mean the inlet rubber boots only, they occasionally appear on E-Bay or Louis Mintrone may have a spare set. Failing that you could send a PM to cbx1260cc ( Ricardo Sawyer) as he is in contact with Rick.