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Air cleaner box help..

Posted: Tue May 11, 2004 3:49 pm
by Hobbes
I recently got a lid for my air cleaner box, only to find out that one of the strange looking bolts that stick up from the box that was already on the bike is missing. Looking on the parts list, it doesn't seem like these are sold seperately. I have a good lid, and the nuts that go down over the screws, but I reckon I need a new box, or one in good condition, that has the screws with it.

Anybody out there have one they could part with, for a reasonable price?

Much obliged,


Air Box

Posted: Tue May 11, 2004 7:35 pm
by Tom Neimeyer

Are you takling about the box the filter fits into? It has two "posts" that stick up into the lid.

It would help if we knew what year you are looking for, I am not sure if a 79/80 willl interchange with a 81/82.

If it is the airbox that the filter fit's into that you need and it's from a '79, I can and will help you out.

You can reach me at

Posted: Wed May 12, 2004 9:13 am
by Guest
Tom, thanks for your helpful questions- sorry I wasn't more specific in what I need... It's an '80 model X, and it is the box that the air filter fits into... the two posts sticking up that you mentioned are indeed the problem. One of 'em's broken off before the threaded part begins, that the elongated nut from above screws down onto...

I don't know if the '79 box will fit an '80 model, though... anybody out there have info on this?

Thanks again,
