While cleaning the carbs on my 80, I find what should be 3 jets. One is labeled Primary Nozzle (in the Honda manual) it is the furthest from the needle and seat. I have the main jet and the slow jet open (with a lot of carb cleaner) But I can't figure out what the primary nozzle is. The manual says remove it but doesn't say how and there isn't a slot for a screwdriver. Should I be able to blow through the Primary Nozzle or is it a plug??????
Thanks Don
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Mark, Thanks for your explination, It sure makes more sense than the Honda manual. Now I need to find a way to flush the tank out.
This bike has been sitting for about 12-15 years with a full tank and it has turned to varnish. The areas that I can reach clean up nice but I can't reach much. I flushed it with muratic acid yesterday and got a lot of it out.
Thanks for your help Don
This bike has been sitting for about 12-15 years with a full tank and it has turned to varnish. The areas that I can reach clean up nice but I can't reach much. I flushed it with muratic acid yesterday and got a lot of it out.
Thanks for your help Don
cleaning tank
I use Castrol Super Clean when cleaning carbs and the like. You must rinse immediately or it will tarnish aluminum. This is available at Wal Mart for about $6.00 a gallon. It will take varnish right off that Gumout Carb Cleaner wont even touch.