When this was done, I assumed that the horrible dip centered at 5k RPM was due to carburetion issues (you can see that the AFR drops to ~10:1 right where the dip is happening) but what I've been learning recently about volumetric efficiency and ECU tuning seems to suggest that just sorting out the fueling may not be enough to resolve the flatspot.
Because the revs are continuing to climb through that dip, the power curve doesn't look nearly as awful:

But I'm still concerned that addressing this will require a change to the cams or exhaust. I have a sentimental attachment to the exhaust and would really like to keep it. Maybe retarding the stock intake and/or and exhaust cams could smooth things out a bit. I wouldn't hesitate to give up some top end power to get a more even output from 2-6k RPM.
Has anyone else here faced such a big ditch in their midrange torque? If so, were you able to address it?