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Scottish 'THISTLE DO' CBX Rally 2006 and now again in 2007!!

Posted: Thu Aug 31, 2006 7:44 am
by gogigscotland
This is the I(nternational)COA site so here goes!!!

Scottish Highland 'Thistle Do' Rally Friday 15th and Saturday 16th Sept'06 Kingussie near Aviemore Scottish Highlands

Angus Anderson confirmed his intention to hold the first Scottish CBX rally of this era at Kingussie near Aviemore in the Scottish Highlands in Sept'06.

Based at Kingussie just off the A9 main road to Inverness just 70 miles north of Perth.

Staying at the Star Hotel, High Street, Kingussie PH21 1HR +441540 661431 where a rate of ?63 total has been given for two nights Dinner Bed and Breakfast per person.

To book rooms please contact the hotel directly and mention Angus Anderson and CBX Riders Club when booking.

Angus provided me with the brief above as he is just getting his internet connection sorted out.

For more direct info call Angus on +441540661571.

If you are interested please let me know so that I can help Angus gauge

Having spent a lot of time in this part of Scotland I can confirm that it will be a great location for the rally and I would hope that the Scottish membership would make a real effort to attend.

I would also hope that a few others from across the border would make the trip and I am sure that we will see Rickie White make the trip from N. Ireland maybe with Alan Winter.

I think it is important for folks coming to this rally to remember that whilst it is hoped that the weather will be cracking it is in Scotland so there may be a wee bit rain but hopefully not. If the weather is good as hoped for a really good ride out through the mountains is planned for the Saturday and if not so good a much shorter run up Cairngorm should take place.

All the activities will centre around the Star Hotel in Kingussie and with a fair turnout we should just about take the whole place over!!

More details as they become available will be posted here think about getting it your diaries.

Over 50 signed up with England and Ireland well represented, even Claude in Belgium is considering it.

Link shows me near Rally site on my CBX Sidecar, I do not know how to get the image directly into this post!!! :? ... _photo.php




THISTLE DO 2 -2007

Posted: Wed Jul 25, 2007 4:47 pm
by gogigscotland
Just when you had recovered from the last one Angus Anderson the Highland Stag decides to do it all over again.




Posted: Wed Jul 25, 2007 6:53 pm
by alimey4u2
Stunning bike.......Many Thanks for the invite.. 8)


Posted: Thu Jul 26, 2007 9:06 am
by EMS
[quote="alimey4u2"]Stunning bike.......Many Thanks for the invite.. 8)

. ...and the darn thing is street legal to boot :!: :!: Oh, how I wish I could come up with someting like this in the U.S. :roll: :roll:

Posted: Thu Jul 26, 2007 9:24 am
by alimey4u2
EMS wrote:
alimey4u2 wrote:Stunning bike.......Many Thanks for the invite.. 8)

. ...and the darn thing is street legal to boot :!: :!: Oh, how I wish I could come up with someting like this in the U.S. :roll: :roll:
Can it be done in the States Mike..... ??

I must admit I would run with a flashing amber light fixed to a pylon over here. I remember an ultra low car ( special) had that for safety, many years ago....

Posted: Thu Jul 26, 2007 2:02 pm
by EMS
It probably depends what state one is in. :? I talked to a guy from Blue Moon Cycle in Georgia during the BMW OA rally in Wisconsin, week before last, about making a kneeler rig street legal. (They own two of them) But he said he would not want to do it from a safety aspect :roll: :roll:
Biggest problem here in the U.S. is to find someone who could build one.

Posted: Thu Jul 26, 2007 4:55 pm
by Mike Barone #123
Pix of Gordon....


That's Gordon holding the elevation sign

Hey about some pix of your bikes, rallies and a few of those late night times we all enjoy.


Happy Dazeeeee!

Posted: Thu Jul 26, 2007 6:45 pm
by gogigscotland
Hi Mike
Thanks for postin memories of those very happy Morganton & Marlinton Daze!!!
I note that you have a get together very soon which I wish you all the very best for.

We treasure the T-Shirts (even if they have a G in Marlinton!!!) to this day.

All I keep saying to everyone is if you aint been to a CBX rally somewhere specially in the US you are truly missing out, get off your bottom and try one if you don't enjoy it then at least you can say you gave it a try but I would be greatly surprised if you didn't!!

Mike B and the teams put so much into them that the easiest part is turnin up believe me 8)

Work and life can be full on and finding time to post reports and stuff gets stretched however there aint much better than that little bit of high quality time we can get over a weekend at a CBX rally wherever it may be in the International CBX community!! :)

Mike will try for these overdue reports........!!! :oops:



Posted: Thu Jul 26, 2007 7:00 pm
by Chris
alimey4u2 wrote:Stunning bike.......Many Thanks for the invite.. 8)

That IMHO is one the coolest X's out there.

Thistle Do 2

Posted: Thu Jul 26, 2007 7:25 pm
by gogigscotland
Remember the thread is about Angus Anderson's Highland Rally and not about mad CBX F1 racing sidecar outfits!!! ('Outright' winner of the Isle of Man TT Ramsey sprint circuit 1997 :lol: but true!)

Thanks for the nice comments indeed and the door is always open if you are ever over in Scotland to 'take a hurl in the chair' maybe you could even tie it up with Angus's bash :)

Cheers for now



Re: Happy Dazeeeee!

Posted: Fri Jul 27, 2007 9:40 am
by Mike Barone #123
Great to hear from you Gordon...

You might take note that Marlinton will indeed be an ICOA National Rally in 2008 with the dates being the normal time in June. I don't know if we will get over 200 attendees like in 2004....but we hope to see you and some of our other late night budz there now.

WARNING: I will be looking for that photo of you/Gordon changing over his quilt for John G jeans at Marlinton late one night at the bon fire.....there were only 75 or so of us there to witness it all.

Next time you are near ...NYC, DE, Philly...whatever ...give me a shout and I will come there for a visit......maybe we can tip a few and if Dave is there we can sing to him as he departs for his room like a few of us did at Morganton around 4pm plus. Think that was a first for him.....haaaaaaaaa

Lots of wonderful memories we have....and all it goes to prove is meeting CBXers face to face is so wonderful and indeed does lead to life long friendships.

Dont worry about doing any posts or reports ...we all know how busy you are, buttttt on the other hand you can see just how people respond to what you have to say and your pix.

How is the family doing..... and Ian...haven heard much from him lately



gogigscotland wrote:Hi Mike
hanks for postin memories of those very happy Morganton & Marlinton Daze!!! I note that you have a get together very soon which I wish you all the very best for.

We treasure the T-Shirts (even if they have a G in Marlinton!!!) to this day.

All I keep saying to everyone is if you aint been to a CBX rally somewhere specially in the US you are truly missing out, get off your bottom and try one if you don't enjoy it then at least you can say you gave it a try but I would be greatly surprised if you didn't!!

Mike B and the teams put so much into them that the easiest part is turnin up believe me 8)

Work and life can be full on and finding time to post reports and stuff gets stretched however there aint much better than that little bit of high quality time we can get over a weekend at a CBX rally wherever it may be in the International CBX community!! :)

Mike will try for these overdue reports........!!! :oops:



Follow Up

Posted: Fri Jul 27, 2007 5:35 pm
by gogigscotland
Hi Mike
Many thanks for the reply.

All noted!!!

Alan Fisher trialed his racing CBX sidecar outfit at Mallory Park UK last week with his son James as passenger. Remember Alan was passenger to the world champion just before we last met at Morganton and now he is in the driving seat on a CBX ..... 8)

Travelling to meet Alan and Paul Moto Mental turbo next weekend in York for a night out will raise a glass to you all.

Then plan to be off to France in Aug with me newly restored Martin curtesy of Paul P (posted some pics to the gallery)

Anyway as always best to you and the gang and the great work that you do to keep us all in contact truly an ICOA 8)

Spoke to Ian in Hong Kong this week and he is whilst very busy hugely looking fwd to his role engaging with the USA on behalf of the UK CBX Riders he is the right man for the job :)

