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Post by daves79x »

Just got back from Marlinton a few hours ago. We had 4 great days of riding with little rain, but some every day. Sunny in the AM and spotty showers in the PM. Lots of miles put on by all. Attendance was disappointing, but there were maybe 50 people and 15 or so CBXs.

The down side was that there were 2 accidents again this year, one not too serious and one not so good. The same rider that went down last year and broke his ankle hit a deer this year and broke some ribs and had internal bleeding and some other bumps and bruises. Life-flighted out and will be in the hospital for a few days. A full recovery is expected, but not in time to take a long-planned trip to Africa this summer. If you are so inclined, say a prayer for Richard and his situation.

The days of the large CBX rallies are over. Members and former members are voting with their absence and non-renewals. I'm quite certain small groups of us will continue to get together for weekend events for a long time to come, but the writing is on the wall. Many of you would rather get your CBX fix sitting at the computer and that is exactly what the ICOA will become very soon if you all continue to respond this way. You are missing not only great riding experiences, but, more importantly, meeting a great group of people and making lifetime friends.

Our core group of 25-35 guys (and gals) here in the Mid-Atlantic will continue to have events with or with out the rest of you, but we'd rather have your support than not. You all decide. In the meantime, you don't know what you are missing.


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Post by EMS »

Maybe you are a little too pessimistic, Dave. Some may not have been able to make it to Marlinton this time just because of timing. At least for me, that was the case, otherwise I would have been there. There are a few events left this year on the calendar that I will try to make. Let's see how the turnout will be.
Also, we should consider tying CBX events into other motorcycle happenings so that there is a greater incentive to join.
Next year the CBX is "officially" going to have its 30 year anniversary. AMA Vintage Days would be a great venue to clebrate this. Other mc clubs have done and are doing similar things. I know, Mike is very disappointed in Honda, but maybe this occasion will make them come out and support a great CBX meeting.
As far as Marlinton is concerned, I appreciate you guys holding down the fort! Thanks for doing this. :!:

Don #6141

Post by Don #6141 »

As a newbie, my thoughts probably don't mean all that much because I've got no rally experience and you guys have all been doing this a long time, but . . . . . I think attendance might improve if we kept things 'fresh' by moving the big annual rally around more, as opposed to going to Marlinton over and over again

The motel there is 'so-so' at best for what they charge and for some, living without either a cel phone or Internet access for a week isn't something they would want to do more than once if they could help it. While it's no doubt that the roads in the area are truly world class, there are many other places you could stay and still ride those same roads

I wouldn't want to go back to the Marlinton Motor Inn again, I can tell you - Dave and I made reservations for a room down front more than 4 months in advance, yet the ***** behind the counter stuck us all the way in the back - We were awakened almost every time anyone needed ice from the machine

I'm intrigued by Jan's suggestion that we contact Honda to see if we could be a part of the Honda Hoot in Nashville next year - It's Honda's 50th anniversary year . . . . and the 40th anniversary of the 750 Four . . . . and the 30th anniversary for the CBX . . . . and the 20th anniversary for the CB1 and probably the 10th anniversary for a few other bikes and it would seem to me that Honda might be interested in helping various groups (like ours) set up in a common area to display our historical hardware . . . . and I'm sure we could find someplace to ride. We would be a part of a very large gathering and I would bet that we would attract a few new members who all of a sudden will decide that they have to get themselves a CBX to ride after examining the ones we bring there . . . . and that's the main purpose of our gatherings (other than the rides . . . . and the camaraderie . . . . and the swapping of 'war stories' and the consuming of favorite beverages) . . . . isn't it?

We could always use an infusion of 'fresh blood' and unless anyone has any better idea to put what we have in front of the motorcycle riding public then Jan's idea of being a part of the Hoot makes perfect sense to me - Anyone been to the Hoot lately who could share any plusses or minuses for being a part of something 'bigger?' - I would sure support giving it a try this one time . . . . seems like the perfect year for it

Whatever - We need to begin actively planning for 2009 ASAP and try to come up with something that may be better attended and may gain us a few new members

Just my idle thoughts, after hearing all sorts of suggestions bantered back and forth at Marlinton - I'll actively support whatever the group decides to do . . . . so long at it doesn't involve me in another room at the Inn ;)


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Post by EMS »

Some great observations and suggestions, Don :thumupp:

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Post by Terry »

I see most of you guys are within a few hundred miles from Marlinton. A round trip could take maybe 2-3 days at most? Poor attendance might be related to some of us living 5,500 miles round trip from W Virginia. None of us are getting any younger either. Relatively speaking, there's only a few of us that ride CBXs at all these days and even less ride them long distance. Trailering has become a way of life for some, and for some, rightly so.

Others who may want to ride can be discouraged by the mileage and costs involved, age of the rider and passenger, and the (false rumor) that CBXs are unreliable. I believe a motorcycle 'rally' should be by definition, a riding event whether the bikes are trailered or ridden to the rally. Any other event is just a meeting, like the Kiwanis or Elks Lodge meetings. Very few people travel thousands of miles for a Kiwanis Club meeting.

Rallys will probably get smaller but hopefully, will be spread out a little more and held closer to the members who would like to attend them. For those who do live close enough to attend but don't, I have no explanation.
It ain't the destination, its the journey...

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